Meet The Team

Founder, Pastor
Joseph Betts
What is one of your favorite aspects of God?
“God let me live knowing that someday I would believe in His Son. His mercy and forgiveness to me is truly hard to understand. I am a loyal soldier, willing to serve my Lord ‘til the day that He
comes back for me.”

Co-Founder, Pastor
Virginia Betts
What is one of your favorite aspects of God?
“God, to me, is love, compassion, grace. He’s all the names that He’s called, to me.”

Advisory Board
Glenn Camp
What is one of your favorite aspects of God?
That in the last third of my life He would show me, an unrepentant sinner, grace, mercy and forgiveness and welcome me into His kingdom. I am humbled and in awe.

Pastor / Advisory Board
Michael Mendonca
What is one of your favorite aspects of God?“
I have experienced the real grace and mercies of God beyond my natural comprehension!

Web Designer
Vanessa Kahn
What is one of your favorite aspects of God?“
The Bible says He is longsuffering... meaning, He is so, so patient. The most patient. And He is patient with me and everyone because He does not want even one person to perish. He's so, so good and loving that He sent His one and only son to suffer for you and I. Who else but God could be that good!?!

Ty Yoshimura
What is one of your favorite aspects of God?
“My favorite aspect is that God is love, and He allows me to bring that love to others. Also, it is very exciting that I can see His detailed involvement in my life more and more as I get more and more focused on what He wants to do.”

Pastor / Advisory Board
Barbara Mendonca
What is one of your favorite aspects of God?“
I love that our Father God is All in All; All love, All truth, All just, All peace and All mercy. He loves us all in spite of ourselves.

Team Member​​​
Sonya Camp
What is one of your favorite aspects of God?“

Team Member
Rick Hayes
What is one of your favorite aspects of God?“
Always to be with me when He wants me to do something for Him so I can guarantee I do it right.
Jididiah Joy Llaneta

Jayson Llaneta
Joanne Dumanayos
John Jeferson Maigting
